3 Reasons Layout is Design Important

Layout design part 2: Importance of Layout Design

Why is it so important? Can’t you just put your stuff on a page and be done?

Technically, yes.

Will it be clear?


Will it get your message across to your audience?


So why should you care so much about the principles and intricacies of layout design?

I thought you’d never ask 🙂

Here are 3 reasons why you should care:

  1. For one thing, great layout design helps to effectively communicate your message.

    The way that information is presented can have a big impact on how it is understood by your audience.

  2. Great layout design can influence emotions and persuasion towards your business.

    Remember, the visual identity of a brand is all about how it makes your customer feel.

    The use of color, typography, and other design elements can be used to evoke certain emotions in your audience, such as excitement, trust, or urgency.

    How do you want your audience to feel when they interact with your brand?

  3. Great layout design can influence consumers' buying decisions or persuade them to take a certain action and ideally purchase what you are selling.

    Have you ever seen an advertisement that you thought was annoying, and then bought that product? Probably not.

What are some examples of well-thought-out layout design you've seen?

Let me know!


Why Hierarchy is Important to Your Design


5 Principles of Layout Design